Right now I'm waiting for God. I am waiting for God to let me know what is next. What is next?
I just finished reading a book called The Alchemist, an amazing little book that speaks to finding our 'personal legend' how God leads us through His language of 'omens'. It is an exotic but simple story, it reminds us to keep watch around us to see where God is and what He is telling us through His language.
I felt a comfort after reading this book, waiting is a part of life, as much as looking for God's 'omens'. Waiting is part of God's language too.
Really, what we need to think about is what we will do while we are waiting. Doing something while waiting... that is hard. Most often we find ourselves so intent on the waiting that nothing else gets done. Then, when the thing that we are waiting for happens, we find it's not the thing we wanted at all...but then, maybe it will be.
Right now I am in the 'waiting room' waiting on God, trying hard to see His 'omens' and waiting for what is next. In the mean time I am loving, crying, working, watching, loving, waiting...
Waiting on God.