Saturday 23 July 2011

Remind me

A song came on the radio and as I took it in, it was clear that it was a love song. It was a duet with Brad Paisley and Carrie Underwood, powerful singers who can sing the words with meaning! "Remind Me", it is a song about two people who have become comfortable in their life who want to be reminded of their passion. But what stands out to me are the words 'remind me'.

Remind me.

They remind me of some boys I used to teach in sunday school, they were a challenge! I had to come up with interesting ways to teach them, to say the least! The particular lesson I am remembering is about ebenezers. The story of when God had the Isrealites set up ebenezers by the river to remind them of how far God had brought them. The boys and I had collected stones and brought them inside to stack them up, one on top of the other, stuck with glue. They learned the idea of making markers to remind them of the times God had helped them.
God has filled His Holy book with reminders like this, reminders of His word, His promises... put them on your door, remember them when you get up, when you lie down, tie them around your neck, leave them by the river, stack them in the river...and remember.

Remind me.

This reminds me of The Beautiful Ache, a book written by Leigh Mcleroy, she writes,

"...and His Life-infusing presence makes my remembering a blessing not a curse. So I'll stack my memories like stones, the way the children of Isreal did as they crossed into the Jordon...some in the water covered over by the river never to be seen again and some on the brand new shore that waits for me. And I'll remember..."

Remind me.

...and I'll remember how far You've brought me.