Wednesday 6 November 2013

A Golden Bowl

I went to a retreat on the weekend, a fabulous place of serenity, peace and yes, a dip in the lake!

Yes, it was cold, but so worth it, the next day we talked about being strong and courageous, I was.  My Dad was in this position once, a long time ago.  His choice was to take a dip in the lake to bathe and wash up or to go inside for a warm shower, he chose the latter but always wished he had done the more daring.  I have always thought of that, his little story of regret...I took it in and kept the lesson…do the thing, right then, don’t leave the moment wishing you had.
So I did.  I took the plunge, dove right in and man, that was great!  And, I’ll do it again, as long as it’s safe, I’ll do it again!

Diving in, taking the plunge, so great, there is almost nothing better…but on the other hand there is good in waiting too, waiting for the right time…the proper time.

On our retreat we talked about waiting too, waiting on God.  This is something I know a little about, actually I know a lot about it.  I set my prayers on having a Godly husband, thirty-six years I prayed and lamented and waited and prayed and lamented some more, waiting.  At the end of the time, at the proper time, God answered that prayer…and I was amazed.  I received a blessing that was more than I expected, lavishly more.  Waiting; but yet at the proper time

I have just finished up the tail ends of my Dad’s estate, my Dad was sick for 15 years, I prayed for his healing, prayed and lamented and waited and prayed and lamented some more, waiting.  At the end of the time, at the proper time God answered that prayer…and I was amazed, we all were.  We received a blessing that was more than we could have imagined, lavishly more.  Waiting; but yet at the proper time.

Timing is everything.

I find myself waiting again, waiting for the thing, praying, lamenting and waiting some more.  I intend to keep on praying, to keep on waiting because I have seen how God works, more than that, I know how He works.  He works by giving lavishly more!

A friend said to me once, “Do not give up on me.”  I like that phrase…give up?  Never!
"and they were told to wait a little longer..."
I will wait for the right time, yes, waiting and praying for lavishly more, in His time, the proper time.
An angel, who had a golden bowl came and stood at the altar.  He was given much incense to offer, with the prayers of all the saints on the golden altar before the throne.  The smoke of the incense, together with the prayers of the saints, went up before God from the angel’s hand. Then the angel took the bowl, filled it with fire from the altar, and hurled it on the earth…”                                                                            
Timing is everything…praying is more…and I intend to hurl some from my golden bowl.

Something happens in the heavenlies when we pray...I love that!

Revelation 6:10 and Revelation 8:1-5