Tuesday 28 February 2012

Knowing Who I am

Pastor Rob asked if I would give a few words of testimony for our AGM, here are those words...

It has been just over two years since I lost John...well, he’s not lost, he has been saved.

It’s been just over two years, I could have chosen to be bitter, that God did not answer my prayers,  He could have made it so that John would be saved and sitting here beside me...saved. I could be questioning God about that, I could be mad at God.

But, I can’t, in fact very nearly, every day I thank God for answering my prayers.  Prayers that God would turn and bring John closer to Him, that he would be saved. God answered those prayers.  He just chose to do it all at once.  Amazing Grace.  That’s how I see it.

John died Nov 22, 2009 on his Dad’s birthday and it was Sunday, the Lord’s Day.  What an honour, to leave his earthly father into the arms of his Heavenly Father on such a day...more Amazing grace, I love that.

It has been just over two years and nothing has been the way I thought it would go, either with what I thought people would do or with what I thought I would do and ...nothing has been the same.

The first year as hard as that was,  at least I knew who I was, I was a woman whose husband died, a widow...that’s a hard word...a hard word to be, a hard word to do.

The second year most people said things like ‘how are you, you must be better?’  But, honestly, year two was harder.  I lost who I was, everything about who I was.  Even though it looked like I was the same, I didn’t know who that was.  People could see where I was but I didn't know where that was. It seemed I was lost.

Honestly, I was very close to calling this Mr Dahl that everyone has been talking about...or someone like him. The second year was hard.

But those two years are behind me, I am getting better...I am being changed, I am finding out who I am again.

I am a mother and a grandmother...

I am Judy...

I volunteer at the Cancer Agency, not to mention caring for my elderly parents and my 10 beautiful grandchildren, I am giving back.

I am practicing yoga and I am learning to play guitar.  I am learning new things.

I love to listen to music and I cannot get enough of reading books...I am immersing my mind.

I journal everything and I write for the blog here on our church website.  I am a writer. 

I Bowl on a team with 5 wonderful friends every Wednesday morning.  I am part of a team.

I attend the LTO on Tuesday evenings and I helped start a bible study group for ladies called Prime Time, these ladies I am indebted to...I am a fellow sojourner.

All of these have been like therapy to me, they have been a gift, all of them filtered through the fingers of God and I am being transformed.

I am knowing who I am...I am Judy, just a girl asking God to love her...more than that I am a girl who knows that God loves her...and I am so thankful.

I am Judy, I am being changed and I am going to be okay.