I have a friend who came from Syria;
I met him nearly three years ago when he left his family and his home and
everything he knew, with his wife beside him to start a new life here in B.C. He
told me stories and I have an understanding of what he left behind. I was in Israel months before meeting him, I
stood on the barbed wired border where Syria stretched out on the other side, and
smoke rose in the distance from gunfire. I have tasted some of the stories of
this place. I have walked the beaches of
Tel Aviv; an eight hour drive from Aleppo… I have stood that close.
Aleppo has been in the news a lot lately and this
morning I woke up to more news about Aleppo, hard sad news.
Last night we talked about it at
our Christmas party, mostly about the devastation to humanity and a little
about how we simply have no understanding about that kind of suffering. As I lay in my bed wrapped in my covers I
felt such loss, I felt an unworthiness to have such comfort when small children
were suffering in this faraway place.
Certainly we have suffering here too, in our seemingly safe corner of
the world, we do. All suffering is hard,
especially when it concerns children.
Here I have bought presents for the children in my life, beautiful fun
presents wrapped in bright paper tied with bows, all in anticipation of
laughter and fun and joy. What else
would there be in my small part of the world; joy.
But this morning a bit of
heaviness…the headline read “Aleppo is a
place where the children have stopped crying.” My heart stopped for a moment… and I wiped
away a tear. Actually it was a news
video on Facebook that I was watching, a small child, dishevelled, traumatized and
in shock…no tears. The story went on to
explain the loss. One of the speakers
called it a “Melt down of humanity” and
she went on to ask the powers at hand “Have
you no shame!” They are calling it genocide and they are calling it a holocaust…and
it is. In this world when we have
instant information, we are seeing it true, moment by moment, loss by loss and
shameful acts one after another and we can do nothing about it but watch.
It’s so hard to watch. One of the news casters quoted Albert Einstein
who said,
“The world won’t be
destroyed by those who do evil
But rather by those who
watch them without doing anything.”
Aleppo, a city devastated, more
than that lives unashamedly lost and more than that… we are all watching.
Unbelievably sad!
Words are inadequate to comment
on the devastation and the suffering loss...loss that we have absolutely no
depth of understanding other than a stab to our heart and soul ...and a tear we
wipe away.
At this time, this Christmas season, in your small part of the world,
wrap your arms around your children… then look further to those children who
you see running around in the parks, in your neighbourhoods…then look further in
to the poor sections of your city and be reminded that life is hard all around,
this Christmas more than ever show love and then…be reminded that there is love
all around.
For God so loved the
world that he sent His only son that whoever believes in Him
shall not perish but have
eternal life.
John 3:16
Merry Christmas…I love you.