Thursday 13 October 2011

Come to the table

I've been in Ontario for the last week or so, the weather has been amazingly beautiful!

I've heard it said that Canada is God's Country, after seeing this part of the country, I really do believe it's true!

While I've been here, I've been to Niagra Falls, seen the CN Tower in Toronto and driven into the fields of Perth County. All of it, under beautiful, clear blue skies! All of it spectacular and amazing!

In Perth County, close to where Devon lives, we went to a particular field that had been prepared for a specific purpose, to provide for the hungry. Over 120 combines gathered to harvest over 160 acres of soy beans and they did it in 11 minutes and 43 seconds! They were aiming for a world record. They were wanting to feed the hungry. It was absolutely amazing to watch...a powerful message!

The event was in partnership with Canadian Food Grains Bank, an agency with over 20,000 Canadian churches connected to it, but organized by this community of farmers and their local churches, they called it " 'Harvest for Hunger' ...come to the table"

Harvesting for the hungry. Men and women coming together to harvest and share their abundance with others in the world...God's world...powerful machines, an abundant crop and willing workers. It was amazing to witness and to join in where God was working!

" Celebrate the feast of Harvest with the first fruits of the crops you sow in your field, celebrate the feast of ingathering at the end of the year when you gather in your crops from the field."
Exodus 26:16

How appropriate, as the following weekend we celebrated Thanks-Giving, where we all came to the table and shared a meal with the people we love, giving thanks to a God who loves us...abundantly!

Together we can accomplish what no one person can do alone...come to the table.