Tuesday, 21 January 2020

Good Nothings

Memories remind us that nothing lasts forever.

I read these words the other day, maybe I heard them in a song, they affected me.   The words are true; I think a bittersweet truth.  Nothing lasts forever...all fades away...petals fall, summer ends, leaves drop, friends change, they move on, marriages fail, lovers die, babies grow up, children leave home.  Nothing lasts forever.  At first glance it seems that all is despair and sadness but each one of these things brought joy, beauty, love and laughter, all was good at one point…good and beautiful gifts.  By His grace God enhances our lives with bits of joy; gifts of love…some do last forever. 


God gives good gifts, but he doesn’t say they will last forever.  Some of us make the mistake of thinking that once the ‘gift’ is gone, seemingly disappeared, out of our reach…possibly into the reach of someone else or perhaps out of this world all together…like petals blown into the wind gone forever…that this gift never was good.  We think to ourselves and maybe even out loud that maybe it was never intended as good, that it was our own imagining that God could have given such a gift…like the one that ends in a failed marriage, or when a child dies.  The problem is not that the gift is gone, but our response concerning it.  A lost gift does not mean it was never good, it was good.  Just because a gift doesn’t last forever doesn’t change the fact that it was good.

Toby Macs new song asks God the question Why do You give and then take away?

Everything in this world is not ours to keep, we have it on loan, whether it is flowers blooming, summer nights, fall days, friends sharing, lovers loving, brides glowing, babies being born, children growing…pure good and never nothing.

It’s true, our memories remind us that nothing lasts forever, but they also remind us that those nothings were good…and I love that.