Wednesday 7 November 2012


November, this is the month that everything started happening, it is the month that everything happened, the time that everything happened all at once - in slow motion - but in the blink of an eye.

I have been a little emotional this past week, it seems my heart and my soul know what took place at this time three years ago.  And my mind has been taking me on memory tours of a time I shared with a man who grew up with me but who would not grow old with me.

Memories; sad and hard, happy times and good times, friends and family times, troubled times as well as joyous God filled times.
I have shared this story a life time ago but I’m telling it again because these years have been on my mind...

On August 21st 2005 Pastor Rob provided an opportunity for each person in the congregation to spend wisely for God's Kingdom, he gave out $100.00, one hundred talents, to anyone who wanted to participate in this extravagant opportunity  Even though I took up the challenge I went home wondering, what could I do with these talents?

That Sunday we were having all of my family home for dinner, so once I got home, my children would be there, we’d have lunch and then get ready for extended family to arrive…when someone unexpected came.

Some of you know that we have lived on a farm in Sumas Prairie, beside the freeway, the highway that takes all sorts of travelers to their destinations, east and west, near and far.  From the very day that we moved into that old farmhouse God had in mind to prepare us for service…to entertain His angels.

Our neighbors had big metal gates with signs that said ‘Keep Out’ or signs that said ‘Beware of Dog’ but we preferred to keep our yard open and they came…they came to ask for help.  They came for a can of gas, for the use of our phone, for a ride, for directions, one or two asked for a place to keep warm and one asked for a knife…which I gave, with a prayer whispered just under my breath.  For some, we called the fire department and others the ambulance. They drove in the yard and walked in off the highway.  They came before the sunrise and well after dark.  They came on sunny days and cold windy nights. They waded through the rain filled ditches and trudged through the snow drifts.  Some of them came bravely up to the door and others afraid to see who would answer their knock. They never stopped coming and we never turned one away, not even the one who asked for a knife.
On this day, as we were preparing for lunch we were all talking about the service in church that morning and the talents, thinking, wondering, planning...when there was a knock at the door.  John went to answer it and came back saying, "there is a young fellow at the door; he wants something to eat."  He didn’t want to use the phone or get directions or ask for a ride, he simply wanted something to eat.

Our kids, all at once said, ‘give him the money!’ 

In my mind I thought, I can’t just give him the money, though my heart was pounding.  No, but I would give him something to eat.
John was chatting with him outside in the yard and he found out that the young man was traveling from Montreal to Victoria on foot…just one foot.

I brought a plate of food for him and I asked ‘where will you stay when you get to Victoria?’  His answer to me was this "the Good Lord will take care of me there, just as He has this whole trip…you see"  he said  "I am spreading His word along the way, I’m telling as many as I can about what God can do."  At that moment I felt the rush of God. With my heart pounding, I told him the story of what happened in my church that morning and then I gave him the talents.

He ate his lunch and chatted with John, with me and with the dogs.  By this time the rest of my family were arriving…no one saw him walk off or how he got back on the highway or which way he went, he was gone.

 ‘Always entertain strangers for by doing so, you may entertain angels without knowing” 
Hebrews 13:2

We never will know how that angel fared along Gods highway or how his talents multiplied…but we know this, that story was told many times that day…the story of what God can do multiplied.  I don’t know how many times my children or John told the story, but I know this... faith multiplied. 

That was the last angel we entertained there…what a wonderful way to end 16 years of serving strangers…with the story of an angel, 100 talents and knowing what God can do.

We moved off the farm a month or so later, October 1, just before the winds came, just before November.