Wednesday 14 September 2011


I was speaking with my niece a week or so ago and she said something to me that has stuck with me. In particular it was a word she used. She was relating to me the story of a character that she was portraying in an opera production in Banff this summer called 'Lillian Alling'. Her character, Lillian, was on an adventure and was being followed by a friend, she went on to say that this friend was always there to help her, to save her, he was relentless in being there, for her...

relentless. It was a beautiful picture with a powerful message.


I want a friend like that. Someone who cares about what happens to me, someone who wants to help me through every trouble that I find myself in, someone who will never give up on wanting to be there, for me.


God wants a friend like that. He wants us to be relentless in pursuing Him, no matter our circumstances. He wants us to need Him. He wants us to never give up on being there, with Him.

On Sunday morning we heard a beautiful message from Jean (who by the way is relentless in her search to learn more of God) she talked about the story of David fleeing into the desert, fleeing from Absalom his son. What a picture she painted, David barefoot and weeping, in the desert, his people trailing behind him, sharing his pain. I could see his tears and feel his suffering...

I have been there, barefoot and weeping in the desert, and my people have trailed along with me sharing my pain. But God, God has been relentless in being there, with me.

Relentless. A beautiful and powerful picture. God.